Bridging the Gap Between Your Startup Pitch and VC Funding

startup pitch

We know its not easy to put together your startup pitch deck as you shop around to the hottest VCs.

You’ve got the most amazing idea ever.

You’ve brought together a dream team to develop the app, service, or product that’s going to take over the world and be the next unicorn.

Now there’s just that small matter of getting your value proposition, technology, growth projections, and your life’s work into the dreaded startup pitch to present to VCs.

On your side of the table are people who understand technology – the masters of bits and bytes.

On the other side of the table are financial people – the masters of spreadsheets and calculations.

In the middle sits your business case and startup pitch.

Likely, it’s dry, technical, and, quite frankly, barren of meaning.

A few questions to ask yourself as you develop your startup pitch

It may able turn technology into finance, but does it truly capture the power, allure, and meaning of your solution?

Does it open eyes to new possibilities, make brains cells soar in wonder, and prompt hearts to beat faster by showing just how personally relevant and emotionally important your solution is?

Does it speak to “why” your idea matters? What motivates you and hopefully a team of others to make it a reality?

Is it helping to multiply the projected numbers by showing how your solution will help people live richer, easier, more gratifying, more stimulating or more worthwhile lives?

It could.

It should.

Meaning is the new currency. VC partners who are making these decisions care about this – as well as care about the technology.

We urge you to make your technology business case far more compelling, intriguing, and valuable by seeking out the hidden meaning in what you do and by bringing that power to the foreground as you seek funding.

To read more about leading with “why” and the development of your startup pitch click here.

Emotive Brand is a San Francisco brand strategy firm that works with high-growth startups.

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