The Meaningful Workplace – Workplace In Crisis

The workplace is in crisis. Workers are not engaged. Productivity is down. Morale is low. Many employees obviously don’t see the point of what they – or their employer – are doing.

How can a business turn the tide of employee dissonance? 

How can it become fit for a future that’s bound to be more competitive, complex and commoditized? 

How can it connect with people who are no longer blindly accepting corporate propaganda? People who are more “we” than “me” focused? People who are more discerning about the ideas, products and brands they buy into, the businesses they buy from, and the companies for whom they work? 

Tomorrow’s most successful businesses will have shifted their workplace to a more meaningful employee engagement platform.

Using meaning as a springboard, these winners will have built places in which people want to work, are proud to work and excel at their work.


Comments (1)

  1. Hi Jerry, I think we should explore higher employee engagement through the benefits of gamification. I mean the use of game play mechanics in order to encourage people to (unconsciously) embrace the ‘why’. It also strives to encourage employees to engage in desired behaviors related to the corporate strategy. Gamification might work by making strategy more engaging, and by encouraging and rewarding desired behaviors, taking advantage of humans’ psychological predisposition to engage in gaming. Our ancestors living in dark caves already played games (homo ludens) for killing scary nites and engaging in social connection.As such strategy development and deployment could become a prolonged social intervention with dialogue and dynamic employee interaction. In more practical terms I see an online mobile gaming platform where all are encouraged to participate (including the c-suite) in a fun and meaningful way. What do you think? Am I dreaming? Let me know your thoughts.regards, alexander

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