May 3, 2018 — Sarah Herold
Employee Engagement Is More Than an HR Benefit Since Gallup began tracking employee engagement in 2000, employee engagement averages haven’t budged. A recent Gallup survey shows that indeed, work could be more fulfilling for most Americans. The percentage of U.S. workers whom Gallup considers “engaged” in their jobs averaged 34.1% in March. As it stands today, over two-thirds of the American workforce is disengaged at work, and it appears that no amount of HR benefit, wellness programs, or incentives can make a dent in this number. So how does an organization build a culture of...
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March 6, 2018 — Saja Chodosh
The Clout of the “Best Places to Work” List Companies like Fortune and Glassdoor have been dedicated to naming and honoring the ‘Best Places to Work’ for more than 10 years. And these awards have gained more and more clout with time. Much like colleges treasure their rankings, workplaces hold these awards like badges of honor. The ‘Best Places to Work’ emblem is hung from work walls, integrated into recruiting and new hire materials, pushed on social media, and celebrated by the press, employees, and company executives alike. Our work building employer brands with companies...
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February 27, 2018 — Carol Emert
At Emotive Brand, we’ve seen a jump over the last year in clients seeking help with employee behavior change. Better brand behavior isn’t the focus. Instead, organizations are actually trying to help their people live happier and healthier work and personal lives. It’s exciting to see companies living out their employer brands through a greater commitment to their people, and to see them authentically rewarded with more trust and loyalty. Several trends have brought us to this point, starting with greater competitiveness in recruiting – especially in Silicon Valley, which seems to be...
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January 30, 2018 — Carol Emert
A great employer brand story is important for recruiting and retaining employees – but it’s important to show workers the love and not just talk about it. Benefits are one of the best ways to demonstrate that a company values its employees’ well-being and not just their work. With a rising tide of innovative benefits, from in vitro fertilization to college tuition support to telemedicine, there’s more opportunity than ever to build a strong employer brand. HR leaders who innovate can boost their competitiveness while taking better care of their people. At Emotive Brand, we’re lucky to work...
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January 16, 2018 — Chris Ames
As a project manager at Emotive Brand, Shelby Tramel is known for two things. First, she brings clarity and expertise to every project she touches. And second, she often comes into the studio dressed head-to-toe in Lycra cycling gear, clutching some homemade drink that looks more like cement than a smoothie. We all knew she was a fierce competitor, but it wasn’t until recently that we learned just how elite she is. (Though it does explain why she often eats two or three breakfasts.) We sat down with Shelby to discuss her athleticism, future goals, and how lessons from cycling can be applied...
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January 25, 2017 — Saja Chodosh
Culture and Strategy Business, culture and strategy can work harder for companies but how? For many businesses, company culture and strategy exist in two different worlds. They take on separate conversations and are designated as separate leadership and separate budgets. And although many executives today realize that both culture and strategy drive their business, they fail to link the relationship between the two. But not grasping how strategy and culture can work together means both become less impactful. More Connected Than You Think There are many misconceptions about what company...
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September 28, 2017 — Carol Emert
You’re running a startup. When should you invest in brand strategy? Put another way, when do you need to grow? When do you need to acquire new customers, build your culture and recruit the right people? For a startup whose primary job is growth, brand strategy can be a critical tool. So the answer to the question about when you need brand strategy is: Not at the very beginning, but probably earlier than you think. We recently branded a stealth-mode software startup whose CEO is a highly successful serial entrepreneur. He has worked with Emotive Brand several times. This time, he brought us...
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June 1, 2017 — Tracy Lloyd
Disruptive Brands Are In We’ve talked some about disruptive brands, why challenging the status quo and presenting information in a fresh way is an important driver of successful businesses today. Millennials value disruption more than any generation before. Many brands and businesses today are thriving because they aren’t afraid to do something new and make a splash. Companies everywhere are trying to figure out how to be the next Uber, AirBnB, or Amazon of their industry – innovating faster than their competition, hiring the most creative people out there, and doing something that’s never...
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April 27, 2017 — Tracy Lloyd
A recent New York Times Magazine article, “What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team,” went viral and became one of the most emailed and widely shared stories for days – for good reason, in our opinion. Building a good team is a difficult task for most companies, organizations, agencies, classrooms, and families alike. And building the perfect team? That often feels impossible. So why do some groups thrive? Why do others falter? Is there a key to team success? These were the questions Google set out to answer. Here’s our spin on what Google discovered. Teams = Teams The...
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March 6, 2017 — Tracy Lloyd
Purpose-led Company Cultures What happens when all the people in your organization feel better about the work they do? When they know they’re helping others achieve greater well-being? When they have a shared belief and feel a kindred spirit with their co-workers? For your business, the benefits are multifold. There’s more alignment, engagement, and motivation in play. Collaboration and innovation become more natural and prevalent. So everything runs more smoothly. New ideas are popping up all the time. Blank, confused, and dispirited faces are replaced by purpose-driven looks of...
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