

Social Business Driven by Meaning

Social Business Driven by Meaning

Stowe Boyd is a researcher, speaker and writer working principally on social tools and their impact on media, business and society. Back in 2012 he told delegates at the Meaning 2012 Conference in the UK that we are entering the age of “Post-normal Business”. For Boyd, “Postnormal Business” results from a series of fundamental shifts for business: “’Leadership’ has changed when a decentralized group of people can take down a government. ‘The Value Chain’ has changed when the customer is no longer just the ‘buyer’ but also a...
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Leadership in a Time of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity

Leadership in a Time of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity

We’ve often referred to Stowe Boyd and his musings. Awhile back, we referenced the implications of social business networking based on Stowe Boyd’s presentation on “Postnormal Business”. Let’s now explore the four drivers of the Postnormal era: the VUCA syndrome. Volatility – Things are moving, evolving, changing, and disappearing faster and faster all the time. Uncertainty – It’s harder to predict what is coming, what to do, and what the results will be. Complexity – The business world is becoming far more complex, media is highly...
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Good Leadership Character Leads to Good Brand Character

Good Leadership Character Leads to Good Brand Character

Tough time call for strong leaders As recognition sets in that the COVID-19 crisis will not be short-lived, companies must respond appropriately by communicating in ways that are empathetic and relevant, contextually aware, human and sensitive. Leaders, brand stewards, and their teams must be extremely focused, keep up with the new normal of uncertainty, and have the ability to rapidly re-evaluate what their company stands for, how it communicates, and why this matters now more than ever. Leadership Character An excellent post at speaks to two attributes that the writers, Professors...
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This is a Time of Positive, Constructive and Gratifying Change…

This is a Time of Positive, Constructive and Gratifying Change…

We published a white paper on The Age of Meaning, in which we review the many implications this new era holds for business leaders. Here we’d like to explore our claim that, “This is a time of positive, constructive and gratifying change…”. Positive change Why do we see this as a time of “positive” change? Because the thrust of this change is well-intentioned and seeks nothing less than to make this world a better place. Customers and employees seek out businesses that care about, and act responsibly about, environmental, social and workplace issues....
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“What Matters Now” – A Wake Up Call For Business Leaders

“What Matters Now” – A Wake Up Call For Business Leaders

While we anxiously await delivery of our copies of Professor Gary Hamel’s latest tome, “What Matters Now”, we wanted to share some of the main thoughts being promoted.Clearly, the business world is in a state of flux. Hamel’s book promises to present an agenda for leaders everywhere who are eager to. . . reverse the tide of commoditization defeat bureaucracy astonish their customers foster extraordinary contribution outrun change build a company that’s truly fit for the future In this context, Hamel identifies five issues that are paramount: values innovation...
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