

Business Transformation: How to Drive Successful Change

Business Transformation: How to Drive Successful Change

The Need for Change Management There are many reasons why an organization might come face to face with the need for a business transformation. Increasing competition, new seemingly unattainable prospects, large growth goals, or not meeting the expected return on investment are among many of the most common we see. These reasons and warning signs are by no means mutually exclusive. A business transformation generally involves large shifts that dictate change at every level of the business and brand – small and large scale. And managing a change of this scale is no easy task for businesses or...
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How Great Leaders Accelerate Innovation Through Meaning

How Great Leaders Accelerate Innovation Through Meaning

Why the need to accelerate innovation? “No company in the future will be in a position to succeed if it squanders the imagination of its employees.” Professor Gary Hamel, co-founder of the Management Innovation eXchange (MIX) and the M-Prize: Innovating Innovation Challenge. Hamel says innovation is one of the most important and difficult challenges facing business around the world. At the same time, innovation is a vital capability for companies because it is the: > only insurance against irrelevance > only antidote to margin-crunching competition > only way you can...
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How to Make a Business and Brand Transformation Successful

How to Make a Business and Brand Transformation Successful

Emotive Brand hinges itself on the power of business transformation through brand strategy, and brand strategist, Jo Schull adds a honed strategic mind to our team. By working directly with clients to help understand the true essence of their business, she uncovers the necessary internal and external strategies needed to transform the potential of their brand into a reality. In this interview, Jo offers her thoughts and expertise on how to make a brand and business transformation successful. People are always talking about business transformation – what does that mean? Business...
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Building the Perfect Team? Is it Even Possible?

Building the Perfect Team? Is it Even Possible?

A recent New York Times Magazine article, “What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team,” went viral and became one of the most emailed and widely shared stories for days – for good reason, in our opinion. Building a good team is a difficult task for most companies, organizations, agencies, classrooms, and families alike. And building the perfect team? That often feels impossible. So why do some groups thrive? Why do others falter? Is there a key to team success? These were the questions Google set out to answer. Here’s our spin on what Google discovered. Teams = Teams The...
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Brand Purpose Drives Trust

Brand Purpose Drives Trust

Brand Purpose Drives Trust How does brand purpose play into building trust? As customers become more connected, more involved, and more engaged than ever before, it becomes more and more difficult for brands to earn their trust. And this trust is key to successful business today. High-trust companies “are more than 2 ½ times more likely to be high performing revenue organizations” than lower-trust companies. One of the strongest drivers of trust today is purpose. People want the brands they buy from and the businesses they support to work in line with their values, goals, and greater...
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