
Employer Brand

The Talent Challenge

The Talent Challenge

The talent challenge for CEO’s is real. According to a recent study by PWC, CEOS are hot on the issue of talent management with more and more seeing it as a tool to deliver real competitive advantage. Consider the drivers: 66% of CEOs fear talent shortages will strangle their company’s growth. Developed-market talent pools are ageing. Millennial generation of workers is bringing strikingly different expectations. Growth is now being driven by far-flung emerging markets, where top talent can often name its own price. No wonder 83% of CEOs asked told PWC they intend to make “some” or a...
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What Makes People Want to Work (or Not) for Your Brand?

What Makes People Want to Work (or Not) for Your Brand?

Every brand faces two employee challenges: Recruiting the best people Engaging their employees Brands that have no clearly stated brand promise and no hint of a noble ambition lack the magnetic power to attract and engage people. Brands that register “neutral” (or worse) on the feelings dial lack the energy to motivate, align and inspire people. So, how do you bring magnetic energy to your brand’s recruitment and employee engagement activities? Before you start thinking of posters, campaigns, incentives, websites, films, activities and all the other expected tools, consider...
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Strong Brands Give Employees an Idea to Rally Around

Strong Brands Give Employees an Idea to Rally Around

  How to give employees something to believe in Take a moment to think about the employees working for your brand right now: They are in elevators, at desks, in conference rooms,  in home offices,  on the phone. They are in cars, on planes, in taxis, on a teleconference. They are closing deals, answering questions, presenting ideas, pitching prospects, processing orders, producing goods, answering phones, inventing products, serving customers, designing packaging, building factories, budgeting projects, balancing the books, convincing investors, meeting community leaders, hiring...
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