
B2B Brands

Marketing vs. Brand? Do You Know the Difference?

Marketing vs. Brand? Do You Know the Difference?

Marketing vs. Brand People are sometimes confused about the difference between marketing vs. brand strategy. This is not surprising, because they are not mutually exclusive ideas. They are interdependent strategic activities that feed, inform, and drive each other. The important distinction to make is in the intent and desired outcome of each area. Brand Brand defines how people should ideally feel about your business and products. It strives to find how to optimize belief in what you do offer and what you stand for in the world. It is an abstract idea held in the hearts and minds of people...
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Professional Services: Elevate Your Firm By Embracing Purpose

Professional Services: Elevate Your Firm By Embracing Purpose

Professional Services Brands When it comes down to it, strategies to ensure credibility, expertise or commitment don’t make a professional service firm to stand out. We expect law firms, management consultancies, and professional services brands to be credible, to have expertise, and to be committed; they shouldn’t need to be reminded of these attributes, and this type of positioning holds no sway in an already overcrowded, homogenous group of competitors. Many professional services firms “brand” themselves around ideas of client-centricity and attentiveness. For us, this simply isn’t...
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Brand Strategy: What is the Role of B2B Branding?

Brand Strategy: What is the Role of B2B Branding?

What is the role of B2B branding? How is it different from sales and marketing? Why should B2B enterprises be adopting purpose-driven brand strategies? What benefits will they accrue by adapting themselves to the changing requirements of the Purpose Economy? It’s no longer business-as-usual in the B2B marketplace. Long-held beliefs are giving way to new opportunities. Many of the reliable tools of the past are no longer as effective as they used to be. All of this is prompting more and more B2B leaders to explore the idea of transforming their businesses into purpose-driven enterprises....
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Overcome Startup Competition in a Crowded Eco-system

Overcome Startup Competition in a Crowded Eco-system

Startup Competition is fierce Startup competition is tough. People used to think that consumers have mind-space for only three brands in any given category: the leader, the challenger, and the one other company lucky enough (or hard-working enough) to be noticed and considered. The rule of three may still be true, but the sheer proliferation of brands flooding a truly congested sector can starve every brand for oxygen and make it difficult for any brand to stand out. We deal with a lot of clients in crowded, complex categories and ecosystems: technology companies, software companies,...
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Moving from B2B to B4B: A New Code for B2B Brands

Moving from B2B to B4B: A New Code for B2B Brands

Could a subtle change in the way you think increase your potential as a B2B brand? For example, consider the difference between business-to-business (B2B) and business-for-business (B4B). B2B: Business-to-business suggests two separate and different entities, one “selling” to the other. B4B: Business-for-business suggests many companies in a value chain working toward a common goal of ever-greater end-customer satisfaction. A shift to a B4B stance means making your brand known as one that embraces the shared interests of all the businesses and people who will benefit from a stronger and more...
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Why Law Firms Need Brand Strategy

Why Law Firms Need Brand Strategy

Consulting Firms are brands too Within professional services and consulting firms, there’s very little that distinguishes one brand from another. Practice areas and services all lead with the same claims: excellent client service, tailored solutions, and global reach. So much similarity makes all consulting firms blend together. Taglines echo. Logos mirror each other. Marketing copy follows the same jargon. Ultimately, they become indistinguishable. As the shift to a buyer’s market solidifies, competitive rivalries intensify. It’s no longer enough for a firm’s identity to be solely linked to...
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Startup Brands Should Follow This Strategy to Authentically Differentiate

Startup Brands Should Follow This Strategy to Authentically Differentiate

Startup brands stop leading with features and benefits! If only more startup brands understood the value of brand strategy and how it could lead them away from leading with features and benefits vs. why the brand matters. Convincing minds by capturing hearts: the new brand-building approach. What comes first? The rational decision to take the next step on the path to purchase, or the emotional trigger that gets them started on that path? Aren’t we humans cool? We pride ourselves on our cognitive skills, our ability to weigh pros and cons, and our decision-making power. After all, these...
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Is Your B2B Brand Talking to the Wall?

Is Your B2B Brand Talking to the Wall?

We believe B2B brand owners need to rethink how their brand behaves in the marketplace. While we appreciate the humor of Hugh MacLeod’s cartoon, we actually think some brands talk in a way that leaves people feeling numb. This is especially true of B2B brands which seem to think that business buyers are robots, that it is dangerous to have a personality and that buzzwords and cliches are poetry. Perhaps the reason why so many B2B brands are so unadverturous is because they haven’t yet realized the value of connecting meaningfully with the people to whom they are selling (you...
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Differentiate Your Product With A “Why” vs. “What” Approach

Differentiate Your Product With A “Why” vs. “What” Approach

Are you looking for strategies to differentiate your product? There is one key shift you can make to change the way people think, feel, and talk about it. It’s only natural for you and your team to focus on the “what” of your business. After all, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your product is in the app store, on the shelves, online, and on the minds of consumers. You built the product. And you live your product every day. You know it inside out. You know exactly how it works. You know all the ways that your product is better than the others. The only trouble is...
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Time to Reconnect Your B2B Brand to Your Bottom Line

Time to Reconnect Your B2B Brand to Your Bottom Line

Is your B2B brand disconnected from your daily operations? Do your senior executives consider your brand as they make decisions, sell to clients, hire staff? Are your employees able to draw from your brand the inspiration and motivation they need to be effective and gratified in their work? Do your partners know enough about what your brand is trying to achieve to offer the best possible assistance? Are your investors believing that your brand is building value for them? Do your customers resonate with your brand in ways that distance you from your competition? If your brand is simply a logo...
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