

Why Digital Health Brands Need a B2B2C Strategy

Why Digital Health Brands Need a B2B2C Strategy

B2B Digital Health Brands Healthcare brands can never be too sensitive, too thoughtful, or too careful. B2B digital health brands need a brand strategy that addresses the needs and challenges of real people with real health challenges. It’s important to remember that no matter what your company offers, in B2B there’s still a person at the end of the line, not a faceless entity. As consumers have more and more information about healthcare through mobile applications and online resources, the demand for people-centric health brands is becoming stronger by the minute. A B2B2C strategy will make...
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Launching a Global Re-Brand: Interview with Brand Strategy Firm, Emotive Brand

Launching a Global Re-Brand: Interview with Brand Strategy Firm, Emotive Brand

As an Account Strategist at Emotive Brand, Sarah plays a pivotal role in helping us transform global brands in to more empathetic, purpose-led, and meaningful companies. Her ability to connect the worlds of writing, research, strategy, and design make her the perfect point person for tackling the nuances and challenges of bringing a new brand strategy to life. In this post, Sarah shares her thoughts on why a global brand rollout can be tricky, gives guidelines on how to tackle obstacles that might arise, and execute a successful maximum-impact launch. A global re-brand is a large...
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Purpose-Led Brand Strategy Optimizes Business

Purpose-Led Brand Strategy Optimizes Business

Purpose-led Brand Strategy that Masters the Intangibles, Masters Markets A purpose-led brand strategy has the power to optimize the present and future value of your business. When your brand actively embodies all the true and meaningful aspects of your corporate decisions, policies, and actions, it not only brings new energy to your current competitive efforts, it also signals a brighter and more energizing future to the people vital to your company’s success. Your brand houses your company’s intangible value Everyone knows there’s a link between the perceived value of your...
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Bridging the Gap Between Your Startup Pitch and VC Funding

Bridging the Gap Between Your Startup Pitch and VC Funding

We know its not easy to put together your startup pitch deck as you shop around to the hottest VCs. You’ve got the most amazing idea ever. You’ve brought together a dream team to develop the app, service, or product that’s going to take over the world and be the next unicorn. Now there’s just that small matter of getting your value proposition, technology, growth projections, and your life’s work into the dreaded startup pitch to present to VCs. On your side of the table are people who understand technology – the masters of bits and bytes. On the other side of...
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Building a Brand Voice: An Interview with Emotive Brand’s Account Strategist

Building a Brand Voice: An Interview with Emotive Brand’s Account Strategist

Building a Brand Voice: An Interview with Emotive Brand’s Account Strategist As an Account Strategist at Emotive Brand, Paige has helped many brands come to life. In addition to her role, Paige is also our go-to expert when it comes to crafting and developing a brand’s voice. She understands and deeply believes in the value of a well-articulated, emotionally impactful brand voice, and there’s nothing more rewarding for her than seeing a brand embrace their new voice and see the positive impact it has on the business. In this post, Paige shares her thoughts on the importance of a cohesive...
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Why We Believe in “Business Unusual”

Why We Believe in “Business Unusual”

Business as usual. Or business Unusual? Hugh McLeod gives us reasons to discuss. Image by Hugh MacLeod. Left to its own devices, a business becomes increasingly inward focused, process driven and obsessed with metrics. In the meantime, that business becomes less personally relevant and emotionally important to people who are vital to its success. To add to the problem, all this happens in a highly dynamic, fast advancing and quick changing environment. Which is why we agree with Hugh MacLeod: “business as usual is an oxymoron”. We urge our clients to look outward and into the...
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Why Law Firms Need Brand Strategy

Why Law Firms Need Brand Strategy

Consulting Firms are brands too Within professional services and consulting firms, there’s very little that distinguishes one brand from another. Practice areas and services all lead with the same claims: excellent client service, tailored solutions, and global reach. So much similarity makes all consulting firms blend together. Taglines echo. Logos mirror each other. Marketing copy follows the same jargon. Ultimately, they become indistinguishable. As the shift to a buyer’s market solidifies, competitive rivalries intensify. It’s no longer enough for a firm’s identity to be solely linked to...
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Fast Forward Your Startup: Agile Strategy for High-Growth Companies

Fast Forward Your Startup: Agile Strategy for High-Growth Companies

A new approach for supporting high-growth companies We work and compete in a fast-moving world, driven by an accelerating pace of technological and social change. The markets we compete in shift quickly, competition intensifies, and expectations rise. Flux is the new normal. This increases the pressure on high-growth companies and brands to evolve and implement strategies in shorter and shorter time frames. As a brand strategy firm, we discovered that many of our high-growth companies, especially those operating in crowded, in-flux categories, needed a much more agile approach to addressing...
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Brand Strategy Case Study for a High-Growth Tech Brand

Brand Strategy Case Study for a High-Growth Tech Brand

PubMatic Brand Strategy Case Study “The PubMatic rebrand has had an impact on our business results including improved costumer satisfaction, product marketing, and go-to market strategies.” – Matt Wolfrom, PubMatic VP Corporate Communications. High-growth businesses need a strong brand story in order to retain and recruit top talent. When PubMatic came to us with serious hiring ambitions, it was clear they needed an employer brand. Marketing technology is a highly competitive space and PubMatic had to figure out a way to stand out as a great place to work. But, as it so often happens,...
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Emotion is Key to Driving Brand Loyalty

Emotion is Key to Driving Brand Loyalty

Brand Loyalty is deeply tied to emotional significance between people and brands. We all have products we use with little thought or consideration. In fact, truth be told, we have little feeling for most of the products we use every day. Indeed, if we were unable to find one of the meaningless brands we regularly buy, we would be more than happy to settle for another brand. After all, as far as we are concerned, very little separates one from the other. For some, there is no alternative But for some of the products in our lives, there is no alternative. This is because we have developed a...
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Startup Brands Should Follow This Strategy to Authentically Differentiate

Startup Brands Should Follow This Strategy to Authentically Differentiate

Startup brands stop leading with features and benefits! If only more startup brands understood the value of brand strategy and how it could lead them away from leading with features and benefits vs. why the brand matters. Convincing minds by capturing hearts: the new brand-building approach. What comes first? The rational decision to take the next step on the path to purchase, or the emotional trigger that gets them started on that path? Aren’t we humans cool? We pride ourselves on our cognitive skills, our ability to weigh pros and cons, and our decision-making power. After all, these...
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How Being a B-Corp Truly Matters in Business

How Being a B-Corp Truly Matters in Business

Is their value in evaluating the idea of your business becoming a B-Corp? A B-Corp is a newer breed of businesses that is founded on an amazing set of principles. B Corps are for-profit companies certified by the nonprofit B Lab to meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. Today, there is a growing community of more than 1,600 Certified B Corps from 42 countries and over 120 industries working together toward 1 unifying goal: to redefine success in business. “The B Corp movement is one of the most important of our lifetime, built...
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Meaningful Millennials: Collaboration and Teamwork

Meaningful Millennials: Collaboration and Teamwork

This is the fifth installment of “Meaningful Millennials,” our ongoing series where we interview millennials on a variety of different subjects that are top of mind for us in the studio. At Emotive Brand, we believe that successful collaboration and teamwork in the workplace are not only key to brand’s success, but to building an overall meaningful, sustainable, and inspiring work environment. At EB, we rely on teamwork for creativity, innovation, and alignment. We strive to build and foster successful collaborative environments with all of our clients, so we understand firsthand how...
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Credit Union Brands are Ripe for Transformation

Credit Union Brands are Ripe for Transformation

Credit Union brands take note. There is a huge opportunity for credit unions to invest in a brand transformation initiative to more meaningfully connect with people and communities. According to Gallup more than 70% of people are customers of a bank, yet only 30% have confidence in banks. The key question comes down to why? Perhaps it’s because we feel like we’re just a customer at a bank. And banks make profit from their customers. Profit is their purpose — the answer to the question of why they exist. The mission of credit unions is different. The purpose of credit unions is to meet their...
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CEO’s Perspective on The Value of Branding and Strategy

CEO’s Perspective on The Value of Branding and Strategy

A CEO’s perspective on the value of branding and strategy At first glance, “empathy” feels like a strange word to use in connection with a business like Central Valley, a building and agricultural supply company serving Northern California’s wine country and surrounding areas. But in recent years, building a culture based on empathy ­– the ability to relate to customers and to one another – has been a cornerstone of the Central Valley strategy under the leadership of third-generation owner and CEO Steve Patterson. Steve has worked at the family business since the mid-1990s, shortly...
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