

The Value of Mapping Business Strategy to Brand Strategy

The Value of Mapping Business Strategy to Brand Strategy

Business strategy and brand strategy should be closely linked There’s a perception among many executives that business strategy is strategic, and brand strategy is a marketing tool – and not a strategic asset. As a result, businesses set ambitious goals, but don’t consider how investing in and developing a brand strategy could help get them there. As a brand strategy agency, we rely heavily on our client’s full disclosure of their business strategy – their goals and objectives, pitch decks, revenue reports, exit strategy – to build a meaningful, emotive brand that will transform their...
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Today’s CMO: What It Takes to Drive Growth

Today’s CMO: What It Takes to Drive Growth

We work with CMOs every day, developing strategy and positioning businesses to enable growth and build brand strength from within their organizations. We have seen a role shift for CMOs over the past few years and have deep empathy for these leaders as they look to keep pace with an ever changing set of skills – more complex and more digital by the day. Because we have a front row seat of today’s CMO, we see more and more of our clients responsible for delivering both top line revenue and profit. CMOs are not only expected to keep pace with the changing digital landscape, but also...
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Why Investing in Brand Enables Growth for Professional Services

Why Investing in Brand Enables Growth for Professional Services

Professional service companies, categorized as mid-market, might be looking towards 2017 with a bit of trepidation. According to the National Center for the Middle Market 3Q 2016 Indicator, business growth has been identified as a top challenge for these firms. And mid-market or not, business growth is a real challenge for every sector of professional services in today’s hyper-competitive economy. The Role of Brand in Professional Services Even when personal brands are strong, as they often are for professional services, an overarching brand is necessary. Your brand is your firm’s most...
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The Value of a Sales-Led Brand Strategy For High-Growth Companies

The Value of a Sales-Led Brand Strategy For High-Growth Companies

A Sales Perspective Tracy Lloyd, founding partner and Chief Strategy Officer of Emotive Brand, shares how her sales background informs her work today, and offers insights on the true value of bringing sales to the strategy table. Tell us about your sales background. I have an interesting background that has led me to the agency world, and on to brand strategy. Initially, I got my start in non-profit fundraising and development. A start-up CEO bought an expensive table from me to attend a gala event I was hosting. Throughout the sales process of getting that deal done, he said to me that I...
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Purpose Drives Financial And Competitive Advantages – Deloitte

Purpose Drives Financial And Competitive Advantages – Deloitte

Purpose-Driven Companies Deloitte is the world’s largest audit, tax, and consulting firm. They have done extensive research on purpose-driven companies and the role of purpose in them. And according to their report, companies at which people agree there’s a “strong sense of purpose” perform significantly better than those that don’t. Specifically, these purpose-driven companies have: • Excellent financial performance • Distinct and differentiated brands • Strong workplace cultures • Highly satisfied customers Three Drivers to purpose-based performance improvements: 1. Create a Purposeful...
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