

For Brands, Being Human Is The New Black. And…

For Brands, Being Human Is The New Black. And…

Fast Company recently featured a story about IDEO’s Elle Luna’s talk to the Design Fair at which she declared: “Today, brands are becoming more and more like humans. They’re taking on more and more human-like traits.” Clearly, with our concept of emotive branding, we believe the same thing. Emotions are human traits which brands, as abstract concepts, do not literally possess. However, what a brand says and does can be designed to evoke specific human emotions. And when a brand consistently evokes the same set of emotions, it goes a long way to elevating the brand’s...
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Need to meaningfully engage employees?

Need to meaningfully engage employees?

It is not easy to meaningfully engage employees. A study of some 90,000 employees worldwide shows that 71% of employees are, at best, only moderately engaged at work. The report is interesting because it also points out that “…engagement has little to do with employee programs, per se.” Rather, engagement is rooted in the “interpersonal” or “relationship” elements of the work experience. As such, employees really care about… What kind of leaders do I have and what is my leadership’s focus and commitment? What this company stand for? What...
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