
Meaningful Workplace

The Meaningful Workplace – Workplace In Crisis

The Meaningful Workplace – Workplace In Crisis

The workplace is in crisis. Workers are not engaged. Productivity is down. Morale is low. Many employees obviously don’t see the point of what they – or their employer – are doing. How can a business turn the tide of employee dissonance?  How can it become fit for a future that’s bound to be more competitive, complex and commoditized?  How can it connect with people who are no longer blindly accepting corporate propaganda? People who are more “we” than “me” focused? People who are more discerning about the ideas, products and brands they buy into, the businesses they...
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Need to meaningfully engage employees?

Need to meaningfully engage employees?

It is not easy to meaningfully engage employees. A study of some 90,000 employees worldwide shows that 71% of employees are, at best, only moderately engaged at work. The report is interesting because it also points out that “…engagement has little to do with employee programs, per se.” Rather, engagement is rooted in the “interpersonal” or “relationship” elements of the work experience. As such, employees really care about… What kind of leaders do I have and what is my leadership’s focus and commitment? What this company stand for? What...
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