

Why Good Listening Matters in Business

Why Good Listening Matters in Business

Listen Up There are a lot of differing opinions about what good listening really means, let alone what it can do for your business. In one camp, good listening simply means not speaking over others when they are talking. While others think listening is about verbal acknowledgement.  And there are those who wait until the speaker is done, then promptly repeat everything back to them. But are any of these really impactful, productive ways of listening? Falling Short This kind of one-dimensional listening falls short for many reasons. It isn’t what great listeners are actually...
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Use Your Brand to Cultivate Customer Engagement and Reap the ROI

Use Your Brand to Cultivate Customer Engagement and Reap the ROI

Customer Engagement, More Complicated Than That When it comes to customer engagement, not all engagement is created equal. And despite some misconceptions, engagement is never a simple question of engaged vs. unengaged. In fact, customer engagement can’t be dictated by a single engaged or unengaged behavior. Understanding the value of a customer’s engagement can’t be boiled down to a  ‘like’ or a single purchase. We define customer engagement as a set of behaviors. This means customer engagement is about the relationship between a customer.  So when fostered, the relationship can progress,...
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Why the Best Brands Act Like Tech Companies

Why the Best Brands Act Like Tech Companies

Everyone’s in Tech Today, it’s not a question of tech vs. non-tech. At the end of the day, every company is a technology company.  This means it’s time to throw away preconceived notions about what tech companies are, what they do, or where they do it. Technology companies don’t only thrive in Silicon Valley. Technology companies aren’t all as big as Google. In fact, you don’t even need to sell technology to be a technology company. It’s not always about the product. It’s about how you do business, how you compete, and how you offer the most meaningful value to customers. It’s about...
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Does Brand Strategy Translate Into Advertising?

Does Brand Strategy Translate Into Advertising?

Brand Strategy is the Foundation for Advertising One of the misconceptions about brand strategy and advertising is that they are disconnected. As a result, many brands create ads that are off-strategy because they don’t use their brand strategy as a guide. But brand strategy is the foundation for advertising. At Emotive Brand, the most rewarding part of developing a brand strategy with clients is when we see the strategy come to life. A B2B brand strategy inspires powerful website messaging. An employer brand turns into a rock solid manifesto. A B2C brand strategy translates into a...
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Companies with a Culture of Health Outperform

Companies with a Culture of Health Outperform

A Culture of Health Can Fuel Your Business At Emotive Brand, we understand first-hand that a culture of health leads to a high performing brand and business. As a result, we embed eating healthy, living an active and safe lifestyle, and proactively managing levels of stress and overall wellness into the way we do business. It’s who we are. And we know this impacts our workplace environment, our brand, and our business. Why’s that? In the end, healthy, safe, energized people are more able to do their work. In fact, studies indicate that companies that focus on the well-being and safety of...
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When Is the Best Time to Revisit Your Brand Strategy?

When Is the Best Time to Revisit Your Brand Strategy?

There are many triggers for evaluating when is the right time to revisit your brand strategy reevaluation. These can include: When there’s a shift in corporate strategy When it’s been a long time since you’ve evaluated your brand When you’re in the midst of a growth spurt When “what you’ve got won’t get you there” Brand strategy can and usually does address many business problems that result when brand strategy is left “for later”. The brand becomes irrelevant and static, and this has a negative impact on the organization: Corporate...
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Brand Campaigns Talk to the Heart During Olympics

Brand Campaigns Talk to the Heart During Olympics

We are an athletic bunch here at Emotive Brand – we are triathletes, marathoners and mountain bikers, just to name a few. So it’s not surprising when we gather round the lunch table each day that we’re talking about the Olympic games. And the inspiring accomplishments of the world’s best athletes. But aside from our passion for sport – and competition – we haven’t lost sight that we are in the branding business. And we’ve been paying close attention to the Olympics-inspired brand campaigns and the emotional themes that are resonating during the Games. The landscape has changed...
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Sparking Innovation Through a Purpose-Driven Vision

Sparking Innovation Through a Purpose-Driven Vision

Innovation. Everyone wants it. But what is it? Where does it come from? What’s the best way to shape a culture of innovation? What best aligns, inspires, and motivates people to innovate? What role could a new brand strategy play in transforming your organization into an innovative powerhouse? The new innovation As the leading global consulting firm PWC points out, “It’s no longer just a case of pushing products out of labs but, rather, of creating value for customers by personalizing the entire customer experience. So, forging an organizational culture that promotes innovation, getting...
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The Look and Feel of Your Office Space Matters

The Look and Feel of Your Office Space Matters

Your Office Space Reflects Your Brand The office space of workplace is part of a complex mosaic of opportunities for your brand to reach out and touch people in meaningful ways. Take a moment to reflect on what your office decor signals about your brand. What are these signals are saying and how do they resonate with the people who matter to your business? An Organized Office Space Shows Dependability When a visitor walks into your office that is tidy and has a clear system of organization, studies show that the visitor tends to feel more at ease. Because of this, they are more likely to do...
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The Value of Leadership that Inspires

The Value of Leadership that Inspires

Leadership Leads to Inspiration The strength of a company depends heavily on its leaders and their leadership. Successful business leaders have to be smart, hardworking, and able to get things done. But, often, that’s simply not enough to fuel a thriving business. Today’s companies require more than just intelligence and drive. As a result, more and more companies are seeking out and focusing on developing their ability to drive inspiration and motivation. And in modern business, whether a leader can inspire, motivate, and engage employees is what sets one leader apart from the next....
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The Value of a Sales-Led Brand Strategy For High-Growth Companies

The Value of a Sales-Led Brand Strategy For High-Growth Companies

A Sales Perspective Tracy Lloyd, founding partner and Chief Strategy Officer of Emotive Brand, shares how her sales background informs her work today, and offers insights on the true value of bringing sales to the strategy table. Tell us about your sales background. I have an interesting background that has led me to the agency world, and on to brand strategy. Initially, I got my start in non-profit fundraising and development. A start-up CEO bought an expensive table from me to attend a gala event I was hosting. Throughout the sales process of getting that deal done, he said to me that I...
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How Is Coaching Like Brand Strategy?

How Is Coaching Like Brand Strategy?

Coaching and Brand Strategy: Parallels in Action We are an active bunch at Emotive Brand. Because our team is filled with athletes, it seems only natural to draw a parallel between the impact of coaching and brand strategy. Bella Banbury, co-founder and CEO at Emotive Brand, is a Triathlete. Bella is the first to say that her growth in the sport is thanks not only to dedicated hours spent on her bike, on the trails, and swimming in the San Francisco Bay, but thanks to the support of her coaches. Coaching keeps her on track, focused, injury free, and the fittest, fastest, and strongest she...
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An Industry Leader’s Perspective On Meaningful Businesses Strategies

An Industry Leader’s Perspective On Meaningful Businesses Strategies

Meaningful Businesses John Mackey is a capitalist. He founded Whole Foods and turned it into a massive operation, with over 350 stores. Along the way, he came to realize something about business: its purpose goes beyond profits. This idea is about building meaningful businesses. As the founder of Conscious Capitalism Inc., and the author of Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business, 
John Mackey is a fierce proponent of a new and more meaningful way of doing business. Conscious Capitalism is “an idea, a movement, an approach to conducting business, and an organization...
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How Do You Create a New Brand Category?

How Do You Create a New Brand Category?

All Signs Point to a New Brand Category Traditional wisdom suggests that creating a new brand category is a massive undertaking. In our recent post on category change, we wrote about when it’s time to consider creating a new category. In that post we were clear: undergoing a category change is not something for the faint of heart. If you’re leading the effort, you’ll need thick skin, an iron will, and if you don’t have deep pockets, you’ll need to be extra resourceful. Creating a new brand category requires big ideas that literally think outside the box — that’s the whole point. You’ll...
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The Design Process: Interview with Emotive Brand Senior Designer

The Design Process: Interview with Emotive Brand Senior Designer

The Design Process Matters At Emotive Brand, we work each day to bring brands to life through strategically informed design. And doing this requires a multi-step process. Wayne Tang, a senior designer in the studio, adds a rare balance of analytics and creativity to the design part of the process. With his background as a mechanical engineer, Wayne brings a logical focus to all projects, a honed systematic approach, and an ability to see the big and small picture to us help deliver the best design solutions for our clients. In this interview, he explains and discusses his design process at...
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