

Why We Believe in “Business Unusual”

Why We Believe in “Business Unusual”

Business as usual. Or business Unusual? Hugh McLeod gives us reasons to discuss. Image by Hugh MacLeod. Left to its own devices, a business becomes increasingly inward focused, process driven and obsessed with metrics. In the meantime, that business becomes less personally relevant and emotionally important to people who are vital to its success. To add to the problem, all this happens in a highly dynamic, fast advancing and quick changing environment. Which is why we agree with Hugh MacLeod: “business as usual is an oxymoron”. We urge our clients to look outward and into the...
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San Francisco Branding Agency, Shares CEO Perspective on the Industry

San Francisco Branding Agency, Shares CEO Perspective on the Industry

San Francisco branding agency shares POV As co-founder and CEO of Emotive Brand, a San Francisco branding agency, Bella is committed to the Agency promise of helping to transform brands and making the greatest impact possible through our work. Bella works to maintain the highest standard of client services and delivers strategic solutions that meaningfully connect brands with people. We sat down with Bella to get the latest on what’s happening at Emotive Brand and her perspectives on brand strategy globally. In the following, she gives her insight on daily challenges, high-paced growth, and...
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Brand Storytelling: A Necessary Shift from Plot to Promise

Brand Storytelling: A Necessary Shift from Plot to Promise

Brand Storytelling Jim Signorelli is the author of “StoryBranding”. I love the way he makes the distinction between the classic marketing idea of “unique selling proposition” and the modern meaningful branding concept, “unique value proposition”. We often refer to plot lines as brag lines, simply because that is what they do. They express the brand’s “how so?” more than its “what about it?” Plot lines are more a manifestation of the brand’s opinion of itself. As such, they lack the believability and relevance of theme lines. And by...
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Doing Good Feels Good – Is Your Brand on Board?

Doing Good Feels Good – Is Your Brand on Board?

Action for Happiness is a movement for positive social change. We’re bringing together people from all walks of life who want to play a part in creating a happier society for everyone. This video from Action for Happiness spurred some thinking on brands and what people are looking for today. Let’s start by defining “happy”. It can be superficial – like what you feel as you watch a TV ad that makes you laugh or brings a tear to your eye. It can be profound – as in what you feel when you know that what you’re doing is doing good for others. We’ve...
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Meaningful Millennials: On Brand Loyalty

Meaningful Millennials: On Brand Loyalty

This is the third installment of our weekly series entitled “Meaningful Millennials”, where we interview millennials on a variety of different subjects that are top of mind for us in the studio. As a brand strategy firm, we work with our clients to help create and roll out strategies that enable their brand, their business, and their workplaces to be more meaningful. We believe that with meaning comes loyalty. And with loyalty comes sustained and successful business. This month, we have been focusing on how brands can build loyal relationships with millennials that inspire connections,...
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Meaningful Millennials: On Brand Loyalty

Meaningful Millennials: A New Age of Payment

Today we are launching a new weekly series entitled “Meaningful Millennials”, where we will interview millennials on a variety of different subjects. At Emotive Brand, because of current client work and upcoming pitches, we have FinTech on the brain. So our first week’s focus is “Payments.” Our question: What makes payment brands meaningful to and successful with millennials? We surveyed twelve millennials and here’s what we learned. FinTech brands can’t just be convenient. If your brand wants to be meaningful to and successful with millennials, you need to instill confidence and emote...
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Uber Rational: A New Brand

Uber Rational: A New Brand

Yesterday, Uber launched a new brand identity, and it has sparked a lot of media attention. It’s amazing that an app icon update and a new website can create so much buzz, attention, and debate, but it got us thinking: What’s the real impact of changing an already established brand identity? We believe brands need to consider both rational and emotional needs when embarking on telling their story. Uber’s new identity focuses on telling a rational story about what they do. But it lacks the emotional impact of why they do it and why consumers flock to it. ‘Why’ is critical because...
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Make Purposeful Brand Resolutions in 2016

Make Purposeful Brand Resolutions in 2016

The New Year is the perfect time to step back and create impassioned and attainable brand resolutions. What do you want to achieve in 2016? Look back on 2015 and reflect on your business. What were your greatest successes and biggest challenges? How can you live your brand promise in 2016? How can you build your brand to flourish? Emotive Brand wants to add some inspiration and purpose to the start of your 2016. We’ve asked top business executives across varying industries to share one piece of advice about managing a brand and driving business. Our advice: read up. “Managing your brand is a...
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Is Your Brand Ready for 2016?

Is Your Brand Ready for 2016?

The New Year is the perfect time to reflect and renew your brand’s focus. It’s not about resolutions. It’s about looking back on this past year of business and checking the alignment of your brand and business strategy. What things should you focus on in order to ready your brand for 2016? We want to offer some purpose-led inspiration and advice on preparing your brand for success in the New Year. Here are three focus points to consider before you take the year by storm: 1. Make Meaningful Measurements Take a moment to consider what you’re measuring and why. Ask yourself, do existing...
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Your Emotions Are Shaping Your Thoughts

Your Emotions Are Shaping Your Thoughts

I can imagine two ways you might be feeling as you read this. If you’ve never before heard about, or experienced, the thinking of Emotive Brand, you may feel a tad skeptical as you read this. After all, you have no reason to trust what you’re about to read. On the other hand, if you do know about us, and have perhaps worked with us in the past, you probably feel more comfortable as you read. Deep down you probably have some expectations about what this experience will be like, and the hope that the connection you feel will be strengthen as a result of the time you invest with us...
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