
technology companies

How to Hire the Right Branding Agency

How to Hire the Right Branding Agency

The Business Case for Hiring a Branding Agency In all the years of working with tech companies, we have heard the same story time and time again about the trials and tribulations of VPs and marketing executives trying to secure a budget to invest in hiring a branding agency with limited success. On top of that, how to hire the right agency can be just as confusing. We hear about them making strong and compelling business cases to invest in the brand to leadership teams and hitting a wall. It happens at every budget cycle, management meeting, and discussion around disappointment in growth,...
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The Next Frontier for Employer Brands: Healthy Behavior Change

The Next Frontier for Employer Brands: Healthy Behavior Change

At Emotive Brand, we’ve seen a jump over the last year in clients seeking help with employee behavior change. Better brand behavior isn’t the focus. Instead, organizations are actually trying to help their people live happier and healthier work and personal lives. It’s exciting to see companies living out their employer brands through a greater commitment to their people, and to see them authentically rewarded with more trust and loyalty. Several trends have brought us to this point, starting with greater competitiveness in recruiting – especially in Silicon Valley, which seems to be...
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Why the Best Brands Act Like Tech Companies

Why the Best Brands Act Like Tech Companies

Everyone’s in Tech Today, it’s not a question of tech vs. non-tech. At the end of the day, every company is a technology company.  This means it’s time to throw away preconceived notions about what tech companies are, what they do, or where they do it. Technology companies don’t only thrive in Silicon Valley. Technology companies aren’t all as big as Google. In fact, you don’t even need to sell technology to be a technology company. It’s not always about the product. It’s about how you do business, how you compete, and how you offer the most meaningful value to customers. It’s about...
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