
value proposition

Why the Best Brands Act Like Tech Companies

Why the Best Brands Act Like Tech Companies

Everyone’s in Tech Today, it’s not a question of tech vs. non-tech. At the end of the day, every company is a technology company.  This means it’s time to throw away preconceived notions about what tech companies are, what they do, or where they do it. Technology companies don’t only thrive in Silicon Valley. Technology companies aren’t all as big as Google. In fact, you don’t even need to sell technology to be a technology company. It’s not always about the product. It’s about how you do business, how you compete, and how you offer the most meaningful value to customers. It’s about...
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It’s Time to Re-Value the Value Proposition

It’s Time to Re-Value the Value Proposition

The creation of the value proposition has a long history. Businesses are absolute wizards at coming up with new products and services, figuring out how to make and distribute them, and backing them up with service. Ironically, they often are unable to craft a value proposition for their offering that couldn’t be easily used by their competitors. They write bog-standard, uninspiring, business-speak statements, filled with jargon that go in one ear and out the other of both employees, prospects and customers. As such, they end up saying nothing significant to the people vital to their...
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A More “Valued” Value Proposition for your Business

A More “Valued” Value Proposition for your Business

The traditional value proposition is defined as: Value = Benefits – Cost. In other words, people buy from brands that deliver more for less. In the past, when the focus has been on “faster, cheaper, bigger, now”, it was enough to think only about the rational benefits your brand offered – and to build your value proposition from there. Today there is a need to radically overhaul the definition of “benefits” when articulating value propositions. Today people are seeking ways to create new meaning in their lives, brands need to go beyond rational appeals and...
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