

Adopt a Growth Mindset to Drive Business

Adopt a Growth Mindset to Drive Business

Growth vs. Fixed Mindset We believe an organization that adopts a growth mindset can position itself to thrive. But what exactly defines a growth mindset? At Emotive Brand, we define a growth mindset as a set of attitudes and behaviors that reflect the belief that an individual’s talent is not set in stone. Talent can be developed. Intelligence can be fostered. Creativity and innovation can be strengthened. Leaders can emerge. People hold potential. This means every employee within an organization has to have the ability to develop, grow, and learn. And organizations who believe this seek...
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A Learning Culture Can Bring New Value to your Business

A Learning Culture Can Bring New Value to your Business

Expertise in Learning? Starting a new job or entering a new industry always entails a learning curve. People understand they have to learn quickly in order to survive. It’s the key to their success. When people work closely in a business or specific industry, as experience builds and time accumulates they often forget this sense of voracious learning. It becomes more and more difficult to see things in a new light. And some top leaders are stuck thinking in a silo. Some call this ‘the paradox of expertise.’ As expertise increases, people struggle to notice possibilities, discern novel...
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