

Why Brand/Artist Collaborations Are Taking Center Stage

Why Brand/Artist Collaborations Are Taking Center Stage

Brand/Artist Collaborations In the Spotlight The rise of brand/artist collaborations in recent years says a lot about where branding is headed. What were once two separate playing fields are now overlapping more than ever before. And for brands and artists alike, it’s a powerful joining of forces. The list of recent brand/artist collaborations is ongoing. French visual artist, Ludo, collaborated with cutting-edge fashion brand MINOTAUR to create a capsule collection that tied the brand to Ludo’s unique, hybrid style of juxtaposing the natural world with technology – helping MINOTAUR live up...
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Why These Brands Are On Their Best Digital Brand Behavior

Why These Brands Are On Their Best Digital Brand Behavior

All Brands Need Digital Brand behavior is what brings brand strategy to life. And today, brands that aren’t focusing on digital brand behavior can’t compete. Digitization is becoming the main pathway for consumer journeys across all industries. And the number of digital touch-points for brands is increasing by 20% annually. So digital is an integral part of the overall brand experience. And the brands with the best digital brand behavior are thriving for a reason. Digital Brand Behavior That We Love 1. Tell a powerful digital brand story: GE Through story telling, GE invites consumers and...
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