
brand differentiation

Discourse Analysis: A Powerful Tool That Ensures Your Strategy’s Success

Discourse Analysis: A Powerful Tool That Ensures Your Strategy’s Success

Missing a Piece of the Picture A powerful brand strategy that drives business forward requires more than an understanding of what customers say motivates them to engage with your brand or your competitors. It requires understanding the larger cultural forces at play that shape those same motivations and comparisons. That’s where discourse analysis enters the conversation. For example, in our work with a major cyber security company, analyzing the discourses at play revealed shifts in the larger security conversations happening in our culture. We discovered we were moving from conversations...
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Brand Narrative is a Necessary Part of Brand Strategy

Brand Narrative is a Necessary Part of Brand Strategy

Here we explore the brand narrative as a key element of brand strategy, by explaining what constitutes a brand narrative, demonstrating how it supports the overall brand strategy, and showing the brand scenarios which call for a strong brand narrative. What is a brand narrative? A brand narrative is a central building block of a meaningful brand strategy. It is built upon the insights and information gleaned during the kickoff process, with a particular focus on the business-related shifts the brand seeks to make. A brand narrative contains five elements: Truths – four to five high-level...
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Why Purpose-Led Brands Drive Business Results

Why Purpose-Led Brands Drive Business Results

At Emotive Brand, we believe that the root of many business problems is the gap between what the business requires (results) and what people desire (meaning). So when your brand matters to people, they are more likely to do what your brand needs them to do. Operating as a purpose-led brand, business issues become less of an issue because meaning drives results. Emotive Branding: A Bridge Through emotive branding, you build a bridge across that gap between results and meaning. And by better balancing the “give and take” of your relationships with people, they are more likely to be open to...
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Using Metaphors to Communicate on Behalf of Your Brand

Using Metaphors to Communicate on Behalf of Your Brand

Meaningful Connections Even the most complex brands need to make meaningful connections with customers. At Emotive Brand, we work with a lot of brands that have complicated technology, products, or services. As we dive into these brands, we often find that even company founders struggle to clearly explain what their brand does and why it matters in a way that truly resonates with customers. Oftentimes they use a metaphor to describe their offering. Metaphors are powerful communication devices. They help us consider new ideas or concepts in a relatable way. They help us move away from talking...
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Startup Brands Should Follow This Strategy to Authentically Differentiate

Startup Brands Should Follow This Strategy to Authentically Differentiate

Startup brands stop leading with features and benefits! If only more startup brands understood the value of brand strategy and how it could lead them away from leading with features and benefits vs. why the brand matters. Convincing minds by capturing hearts: the new brand-building approach. What comes first? The rational decision to take the next step on the path to purchase, or the emotional trigger that gets them started on that path? Aren’t we humans cool? We pride ourselves on our cognitive skills, our ability to weigh pros and cons, and our decision-making power. After all, these...
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