

Can You Be a Design Intern for Just One Day? Stella Raab Just Did: Read Her Interview

Can You Be a Design Intern for Just One Day? Stella Raab Just Did: Read Her Interview

Design Intern for a Day Intern for a day? Why just a day? We had the same question and more. Read what Stella Raab, a talented, young designer from Berlin who interned for us (for yes, a day), had to say. So, why just one day? Don’t you want to spend more time with us? I’m a student in Berlin and there’s this weird gap between classes and my official internship that starts in September. I had one month to kill. I thought, “What would be a funny way to spend it?” I’ve never been to San Francisco before. I wanted to get experience in a new city, but it seemed absurd to do a one-month...
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