It’s Time To Give People What They Need To Create Meaning

We enjoyed reading Tom Asacker’s recent post, “Does your brand impute.”

As usual, Tom makes important points with grace:

“Leadership brands understand that brand success is not about winning a debate; it’s about signaling meaning. It’s not about convincing people with well-reasoned arguments. It’s about unearthing what people need to feel good, smart and special, and then giving it to them.”

The message is clear: there’s a gift you can give people “that just keeps giving”.

We believe that gift is already hidden inside your brand.

It’s bound up in what you do, how you do it, and more important, why you do it. 

It revolves around the human aspects that people important to your brand can identify with – and use to create meaning in their lives. 

Once people see – and feel – the “why this is good” of your brand, they change the way they act toward your brand.

But it’s simply not enough to recognize you have this gift. 

You need to give it to people through your brand’s intentions, attitudes and behavior.

By “unearthing what people need…and then giving it to them” your brand becomes far more meaningful…far more successful…far more the leader it deserves to be.


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