In Turbulent Times, Brands With Creative Thinkers Thrive

I came across an article on that posted that modern business should look for people who are better able to deal with ambiguity, know the value of learning through failure, and who can think creatively.

So, out with the MBA and in with the MFA (Master of Fine Arts).

I graduated with a fine arts degree from NYU.

Since that time I’ve been a “creative” in the advertising/branding field.

But that job description doesn’t really capture all that I do when dealing with clients and their business and branding issues.

This does:

“Many people see artists as shamans, dreamers, outsiders, and rebels. In reality, the artist is a builder, an engineer, a research analyst, a human relations expert, a project manager, a communications specialist, and a salesman. The artist is all of those and more—combined with the imagination of an inventor and the courage of an explorer. Not a bad set of talents for any business challenged to innovate in a world of volatility, uncertainty, and change.”

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Comments (1)

  1. Great job description. The important thing to note here is that it takes all sorts to achieve greatness. It is about balance. You have to have the left brain thinkers and the right brain thinkers working together, they need to respect each other, and they need to acknowledge and appreciate the greatness each of them brings.

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