Creating a Presence That Matters, Silo by Silo

Hugh Macleod makes the point that many companies diminish the impact of their overall presence by a creating fragmented experience across numerous, uncoordinated silos.

In his cartoon, Hugh refers to communication channels, but each of these silos are often multiplied by other silos within companies (e.g. products, divisions, etc.).

Regardless, each “silo owner” has their own “strategy”, which in the absence of an overall brand strategy they understand and respect , is whatever they think will work best to reach their short-term goals.

Far better that your business has an “align-able” strategy in place that people connect to, see the value of, and want to deploy as a team.

The key ingredients of such a strategy?

  • A brand promise – something people can get their heads and hearts around, that matters to them and which they can see is something that can matter to others.
  • An emotional impact – feelings to be generated through actions, gestures and intentions that magnify the effect of your purpose
  • Brand Behavior – a code of conduct that brings the ideas of “values” into the 21st Century; how we treat each other, how we reach out to others, how we come to matter.

With these three guiding lights, silo owners are better able to align their efforts, create harmony in their actions and work to show the world why your company, product, service or brand truly matters.


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